Professional Practice Week 5.

Pro practice within the group work–dealing with group.

It has been a hard week and the enthusiasm has dipped a bit with some members of the group. I found tackling the issue head on and approaching a conflict with complete honesty and transparency is the best way. I think I ruffled some feathers but I also know now there is no resentment building and that we can all carry on as professionals. I’ve learned that being upfront with a problem is better than ignoring conflict even if I did feel  uncomfortable.

Drawing Time management constraints

We did a time constraint exercise, I learnt about the value of a quick sketch. Stripping back the information to meet time constraints and focusing on the bare essentials to convey the basic idea or image. I thought it was easier to work with constraints as opposed to no constraints. It was interesting because the first image I drew with lots of time was definitely a castle, and the image I drew with less time was definitely a castle too. This really registered a strong point with me about using simplicity from the outset as opposed to simplifying something thats complicated especially when time is a factor.

Talking about time constraints reminded me of the project instillation upstairs and I would have liked to use my time cracking on with the paper project. Whilst it was great in the beginning drawing quick sketches I feel we spent too much time on it. In the end we had produced some characters that resembled kids drawings with basic expression attributes. I found the use of props an easy way to convey the occupation of the character, for example a burning house for the fire man and a cat along side the vet.


“Who is our audience”… this made me think more in depth about how we can engage our audience when presenting our project. After Andrew Stanton’s ted talk my mind was filled with information. I wrote down lots of tips and focus points to consider when building a presentation such as: Why should the audience care about our presentation, making them care, working the room, being relatable, being descriptive, avoiding cliches etc.

Gosh! I had an information over load today and started to stress about everything. For the first time I felt like was sinking, I felt grumpy and had a brain meltdown. I feel like I can’t  communicate ideas because the others in the group are not engaging deeply with what we’re learning. I’ve also learned that I need to apply information to a task to be able to store it in my brain, all the information combined with pressure of completing summer school just put me over the edge today.


brain meltdownz

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